Will AI Replace Paralegals?

Written by Erin Walker6 minutes well spent
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Will AI replace paralegals?
Will AI replace paralegals?
The Legal Trends Report

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Artificial intelligence (AI) continues to advance and permeate various industries, and the legal profession is no exception. But the boundless opportunity presented by AI also raises questions for legal professionals: namely, will AI replace paralegals? 

According to the 2024 Legal Trends Report, 69% of hourly billable work performed by paralegals could be automated by AI. 

While this statistic may be alarming, understanding how to make the most of automation while leveraging your unique skill set presents new opportunities for paralegals: completing more work, faster, while focusing your efforts on the areas of practice that only you can do. 

In this post, we will provide insights into the complex relationship between AI and paralegal roles. By examining the benefits and challenges of AI integration, we hope to address common fears and misconceptions surrounding this topic.

Want to learn how other law firms are using AI in their day-to-day work? Check out our recent (CLE-eligible) webinar for top AI tips and examples of legal AI use cases.

Addressing concerns about AI replacing paralegals

With AI poised to automate a significant portion of paralegals’ hourly billable work, the rise of AI has (understandably) sparked concerns among paralegals about the potential threat of automation and job displacement.

Many fear that AI technologies will eventually replace human paralegals entirely, rendering their skills and expertise obsolete.

However, paralegals should approach AI as an opportunity to spend more time on the strategic tasks they excel at, and less time doing the repetitive work they may not enjoy anyway.  

Focus on the human experience

Instead of worrying about job displacement, it’s important to focus on the unique human skills that AI can’t touch—like nuanced judgment, empathy, and strategy—that are crucial in the legal space.

For example, by leveraging AI, paralegals can free up more time in their day to focus on the more human aspects of their role—like providing a client-centered experience, focusing on high-level case strategy, and tackling other business areas that often go under-addressed due to time limitations, like networking and business development. 

Get strategic with where you spend your time

Think of AI as an assistant. It won’t replace you, but rather, it can take over the repetitive tasks that take up time in your day and allow you to focus on meatier legal work that really needs your attention. 

For example, our research found that tasks like “providing consultation and advice” and “developing objectives and strategies” have low automation potential. These tasks, which require a more strategic, human touch, are critical areas for paralegals to spend their time. 

Power up your paralegal toolkit

Spending less time on routine tasks means more time to power up your paralegal toolkit. For example, leveraging AI can free up more time in your day to focus on skills development and training. At the end of the day, AI’s effectiveness depends on whether staff have the knowledge and skills to make the most of it. 

Focusing on AI training can help paralegals leverage AI to its fullest potential, including navigating tools, using effective prompts, and avoiding (or identifying) AI-created errors. 

Remember your value

AI is not a paralegal, and it can’t perform tasks that require human judgment, like offering creative strategies or building lasting relationships with clients.

Furthermore, the integration of AI into legal workflows raises questions around data privacy, security, and ethical considerations. Strict protocols and guidelines must be established and maintained to protect client confidentiality and ensure that AI systems are operating within legal and ethical boundaries.

Ultimately, any work product produced by AI will need to be reviewed (and corrected, when necessary)—meaning that AI is not a wholesale replacement for paralegals. By focusing on the skills you bring to the table, leveraging AI can help paralegals refocus their efforts to perform higher-level tasks and focus on client experience, creating a better experience for law firms and their clients. 

Upskilling for paralegals in the age of AI

Will ai replace paralegal jobs?

The faster paralegals can adjust their mindset to embracing these changes in technology, the faster they will be able to use them to their benefit. As AI continues to advance, it’s crucial for paralegals to upskill and acquire new knowledge and abilities to complement the capabilities of AI systems, and doing so will make one more competitive in the job market.

Mastering data analysis

One of the most important skills for paralegals in the AI era is data analysis and interpretation. AI systems excel at processing vast amounts of data, but human expertise is still required to interpret the results, draw insights, ask the right follow-up questions, and make informed decisions. 

Paralegals who can effectively analyze and communicate data-driven findings will be invaluable assets to legal teams. Try using AI to find patterns in your client reviews or to figure out the best Excel formula to use.

Enhancing project management

Another essential skill is project management and process optimization. AI can automate many routine tasks, but paralegals with strong project management skills can ensure that AI systems are integrated seamlessly into existing workflows, maximizing efficiency and productivity.

Consider using AI to prioritize and organize your task list, design a project plan, or even coach you on how to be more productive day-to-day.

Tech proficiency in legal practice

Additionally, paralegals should develop a deep understanding of legal technology, including AI systems, document management software, and legal research tools. Familiarity with these technologies will enable paralegals to leverage them effectively and identify opportunities for further automation and optimization.

Learning opportunities and resources

To stay ahead of the curve, paralegals should actively seek out training and educational opportunities in AI and legal technology. Many colleges, universities, and professional associations offer courses, certifications, and workshops specifically designed to help legal professionals upskill in these areas.

Online resources, such as webinars, tutorials, guides, and online courses can also be valuable tools for paralegals looking to expand their knowledge and skills. 

At Clio, we offer an abundance of resources and educational materials on AI and legal technology, including our on-demand webinar, AI for Law Firms: How It’s Reshaping Legal and Why You Should Care, and our AI for Law Firms resource hub.

By embracing continuous learning and actively upskilling, paralegals can position themselves as valuable assets in the AI-driven legal landscape. Paralegals who proactively develop the necessary skills will collaborate with AI, enhancing their productivity and value to legal teams, rather than fearing that AI will replace them.

Conclusion: Will AI replace paralegals?

The arrival of AI in the legal field is transforming how paralegals work. While AI can automate tasks and improve efficiencies, it’s clear that it does not replace the unique human insights and emotional intelligence that paralegals bring to their roles.

We’ve seen that by embracing AI, paralegals can enhance their work, making it more precise and effective–allowing them to close cases faster, and help more clients. However, critical thinking and interpersonal skills remain irreplaceable. As the industry evolves, paralegals who invest in skills like data analysis and legal technology will continue to excel.

Looking ahead, the key to success lies in balancing technology with the indispensable human aspects of legal work. By adapting to change and upgrading their skills, paralegals will not only stay relevant but also thrive, cooperating with AI to provide superior, empathetic legal services.

If you’re interested to learn more about how AI can save paralegals time, don’t miss our webinar, Top AI Tools to Save Your Firm Time in 2025

Categorized in: Technology

Explore AI insights in our latest report

Our latest Legal Trends Report explores the shifting attitudes toward AI in the legal profession and the opportunities it brings for law firm billing, marketing, and more.

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