

Lead intelligence platform helping lawyers market with confidence
Available in Canada, Europe, the United States
Starting at $50 per month USD

Key benefits for your firm

  • Grow your practice with more leads

    Track and attribute phone calls and form submissions to know which online and offline campaigns bring which leads.
  • Increase your marketing ROI

    Use CallRails’ insights to optimize marketing activities and invest only in the campaigns that drive quality leads.
  • Improve your client experience

    Automatically transcribe, classify, and qualify phone calls in real-time.

How CallRail works with Clio

  • View the calls & leads that your firm receives directly in your Clio Manage dashboard.
    CallRail’s integration with Clio enables you to see your leads from inbound phone calls and a log of every inbound phone call. This includes details like call outcomes and marketing attribution information like source, campaign, and Google Ads click ID. This lets you see how customers are reaching out to you and which marketing sources drive the matters most for your firm.

    Integrate with your CRM and see all your leads on a single dashboard
    View inbound call details alongside other communications with your leads
    Eliminate dual-entry of your leads and phone call logs

Ready to improve your workflow with CallRail and Clio? Get Started

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Helpful resources

  • Getting set up

    If you need detailed instructions on connecting CallRail to Clio, you may visit this site.

  • Security and privacy policy

    We are committed to protecting your privacy.
    View CallRail’s privacy policy, terms of service and security policy.

  • Additional support

    Contact CallRail’s support at