

Clio certified app badge.
Available in Australia, Canada, Europe, the United States

Key benefits for your firm

  • Manage your case files from anywhere

    NetDocuments provides a reliable and secure way to manage your firm’s documents from anywhere, using any device.
  • Control how files are shared

    Always have control over your documents and confidently comply with all client, regulatory, and governance requirements.
  • Simplify your firm's workflows

    Create, edit, and share your firm’s documents all from one centralized location. Netdocuments makes it easy to collaborate both internally and externally.

How NetDocuments works with Clio

  • Enhance the way your firm works with NetDocuments and Clio

    Increase your firm’s flexibility and resilience by securely creating, managing, and collaborating on documents from anywhere—with every change synced to Clio.
Ready to improve your workflow with NetDocuments and Clio? Get Started

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Helpful resources

  • Getting Started

    To get started with Clio and NetDocuments, please visit the help articles.