Clio and Yourefolio Integration | Clio


The most complete and simple to use estate and legacy planning software available today
Available in the United States
Yourefolio Logo - Clio Integration
Starting at $179 per month USD

Key benefits for your firm

  • One system, everything estate planning

    Operate all aspects of your estate planning practice with Yourefolio. From onboarding to documents and illustrations, Yourefolio is the complete estate planning platform.
  • One point of data entry, saving time and money

    Most efficient system for client intake. Once data is in, it moves to balance sheets, illustrations and documents. You will cut down on your service time and reduce errors.
  • Seamlessly works with Clio through a push and pull integration

    Yourefolio pulls in client information and pushes back notes into Clio. Where Yourefolio lacks, Clio shines. The systems work seamlessly with each other.

How Yourefolio works with Clio

  • Yourefolio pulls in client information from Clio and then pushes back notes into Clio.

Ready to improve your workflow with Yourefolio and Clio? Get Started