Behind the Scenes At The 2014 Clio Cloud Conference

Written by Teresa Matich2 minutes well spent
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Behind the Scenes At The 2014 Clio Cloud Conference

This is it: the Clio Cloud Conference is just over a month away. As time winds down, we thought we’d give you a sneak preview of this year’s festivities. So, we sat down for a quick chat with Lauren Sanders, who’s in charge of planning the whole shebang—from the big-ticket items down to the tiniest details. And those details can be microscopic yet vastly significant. “There are a lot of moving parts,” Lauren explains, “You’ve got external speakers and industry leaders, we have to sort out the topics…”

Seriously, you should’ve seen the boardroom walls during Lauren’s preliminary organizational stages. “It looked like something out of A Beautiful Mind.” When we dreamed up the Clio Cloud Conference, our main goal was to inspire lawyers to take their own businesses into their hands and to help them round out the skills that law school didn’t fully help develop. Last year’s conference was a big hit and a huge source of inspiration.

To knock it out of the park once more, we had a lot of planning to do—and we had to start somewhere. So we surveyed the people who’d know this stuff best; you! We took your feedback about what you liked last year and brainstormed a (pretty big) list of topics for this year’s presentations. One major difference between this year and last year? You’ll be able to choose from three tracks instead of two!

Clio University continues as its own track, but because we have more than enough thought-provoking content, we’re splitting Business and Technology into separate tracks. “We’re gaining traction with larger law firms, but right now our main customers are solos and small firms, and growing the business is often an area of importance to them. So they might be interested in coming to learn more about key performance indicators and thinking long-term about their practices and what sort of workplace they want to develop.”

If you’re more into technology, our speakers will be talking about ethical requirements, threats and fears in cyberspace, and how to broaden your digital presence, among other online-centric topics. “There’s also very little overlap in terms of this year and last; we wanted to make sure that return attendees have a lot to look forward to.” And by “we,” we mean all the Clions that you’ll be meeting in Chicago; our team has been hard at work for the past few months preparing their presentations to help you get the most out of Clio.

So what was the most difficult thing about pulling off such a massive event in a limited amount of time? “Getting all of the details down, because we want it to be a VIP experience for everyone there. My spreadsheet has 20 tabs!” From choosing the catering, to planning fun spaces in the venue to allow conversations to naturally occur (like a zen room), to putting together two evenings of spectacular events,

Lauren and the team has taken the event to a whole new level. And as a little prize for reading all the way to end… you get a $400 discount to the Clio Cloud Conference: just use code ClioBlog. So, what are you waiting for? Join us in Chicago and watch the future of law unfold before your eyes!

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