How Pritzker Hageman used Clio to reduce intake admin-task time by 500%

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Pritzker Hageman

  • 1987

    Year Founded
  • 11-50

    Number of Staff
  • 2020

    Started Using Clio
  • Minneapolis, MN, USA

  • Contingency

    Fee Types
  • Personal Injury

    Practice Areas
“Clio not only helps free up time so we can spend more time with clients, but it also helps us manage all the resources we pull together on their behalf.”

Impact of Using Clio

Using Clio, the Pritzker Hageman legal team has streamlined its intake and administrative workflows for maximum efficiency—unlocking more time to devote to clients.

  • How many hours to lawyers work?

    Decreased intake administration task time by over 500%

  • Icons Customer Story Icon 50 percent

    Cut time spent on ongoing administration for case management in half

  • Icons Customer Story Icon Client

    Increased time allocated to client service

Biggest Challenge They Were Looking to Solve:

How Clio Solved It:

As a personal injury law firm with a national practice, the cases that Pritzker Hageman handles—such as food poisoning, burn injuries, and commercial truck crashes —are inherently complex and require a high level of client service.

While exceptional client service is the cornerstone of Pritzker Hageman’s practice, their previous intake process was antiquated and time-consuming. For complex cases like foodborne illness that require extensive time tracking and document management with a high volume of health department and medical records, they also needed a way to automate their case management workflow.

As Managing Partner Eric Hageman explains, adopting Clio was a game changer for Pritzker Hageman. “Clients turn to us to help them through the worst experience of their lives. It’s our job to handle the legal work so our clients can focus on their future. Using Clio has helped us streamline the efficiency of our internal processes, which means that we can dedicate even more time to maintaining our gold standard of client service.”

Now, with Clio Grow, the firm has a streamlined client intake system that allows them to manage their pipeline quickly. With Clio Manage, case management is faster, easier, and more efficient. Since adopting Clio, the firm has dramatically reduced the time spent on both intake and case management administration tasks.

Biggest Challenge They Were Looking to Solve:

As a personal injury law firm with a national practice, the cases that Pritzker Hageman handles—such as food poisoning, burn injuries, and commercial truck crashes —are inherently complex and require a high level of client service.

While exceptional client service is the cornerstone of Pritzker Hageman’s practice, their previous intake process was antiquated and time-consuming. For complex cases like foodborne illness that require extensive time tracking and document management with a high volume of health department and medical records, they also needed a way to automate their case management workflow.

How Clio Solved It:

As Managing Partner Eric Hageman explains, adopting Clio was a game changer for Pritzker Hageman. “Clients turn to us to help them through the worst experience of their lives. It’s our job to handle the legal work so our clients can focus on their future. Using Clio has helped us streamline the efficiency of our internal processes, which means that we can dedicate even more time to maintaining our gold standard of client service.”

Now, with Clio Grow, the firm has a streamlined client intake system that allows them to manage their pipeline quickly. With Clio Manage, case management is faster, easier, and more efficient. Since adopting Clio, the firm has dramatically reduced the time spent on both intake and case management administration tasks.

Clio Products Used

Clio Manage – Cloud-based legal practice management software that lets you run your firm, organize cases, and collaborate with clients from one place. Learn more.

Clio Grow – Client intake software that organizes and automates your system for incoming clients. Learn more.

Top Integrations Used with Clio

Zapier — Unleash Automation, Embrace Efficiency with Zapier Learn more.

How Clio Helped

Top 3 Ways Manage and Grow have Positively Impacted their Workflows

Automation frees up time to focus on clients

Pritzker Hageman prides itself on giving clients personalized and prompt attention. By leveraging Clio’s automation features, the firm has been able to remain highly responsive while freeing up valuable time to focus on their clients’ needs.

“Using Clio Grow and Clio Manage makes it easier to find the information we need to respond faster to questions and inquiries. By streamlining everyday tasks, we’re able to focus on what truly matters—providing our clients with the personalized attention they deserve.” – Attorney Raymond Trueblood

A new and improved client intake process

Before adopting Clio, the firm’s client intake process involved multiple steps and lacked the flexibility and automation that Clio provides.

Using Clio Grow has transformed the firm’s intake process by boosting efficiency and streamlining workflows. This new and improved process has allowed the firm to refine its intake strategy and ensure a seamless client experience from start to finish.

“Since we’re one of the few firms in the country that handles niche practice areas like fires and explosions, we need to work with a program that allows us to quickly connect with injured people and provide them with an easy way to obtain our services—and Clio does just that.” – Attorney David Coyle

Integrations unlock further time savings

The Pritzker Hageman team uses integrations—from Clio Grow with Clio Manage, to Clio’s Zapier integration—to make workflows even more efficient.

“Clio Grow’s ability to manage our client intake pipeline and feed into Clio Manage was compelling, and we like that it integrates with various plug-ins. We use Zapier, for example, to automatically populate that pipeline. With Zapier, we can have forms from our website automatically go into the pipeline. Without the Zapier integration, we’d have a lot more manual entry.” – Chief Marketing Officer Patrick Liljae

Other Benefits of Clio

E-signature capabilities allow Pritzker Hageman to meet clients where they are

“Since we have a national practice and cater to clients in all 50 states, Clio’s e-signing capabilities have been essential for our practice by giving us the flexibility to meet people where they are. The first touchpoint with our firm often happens when clients are still in the hospital, and the ability to sign legal documents electronically helps simplify the process of obtaining legal services.” – Attorney Alica Penner

Automation features save time by integrating with all communication channels

“When we get a text, it populates in the pipeline. If we had to do it by hand…there’s a big difference between having it done instantly and having to type it in. It saves us dozens of hours a week.” – Attorney Alica Penner

The user-friendly interface makes it easy to onboard staff

“In terms of training, we had a few days of training for the staff that Clio provided, and it was quite smooth. The fact that Clio is user-friendly has allowed us to onboard new staff members easily.” – Chief Marketing Officer Patrick Lilja

What’s next

While the Pritzker Hageman team has already seen significant efficiency gains since implementing Clio, they envision even more growth and innovation in the future.

“Clio has enabled us to keep growing, and Clio will be able to grow with us in the future. It’s a software that will be able to continue to meet our clients’ needs as things continue changing. As a firm, we want to be innovating on behalf of our clients, and Clio is the platform that will help us do that.” – Managing Partner Eric Hageman

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