Reporting and Insights on your Law Firm's Intake | Clio

Clio Grow

Client Intake Insights Software

Get reporting on your firm’s client intake process. Identify who your best potential clients are, how they find you, and what you can do to bring in more revenue.

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See Clio in Action

See the data behind your firm’s performance

Get in-depth client intake reporting on what’s driving revenue and boosting productivity from an easy-to-use dashboard—the more you know, the more you can do.

Clio Grow Simplified UI Client Intake Insights Reports
  • Identify opportunities to grow your firm

    Focus on the most profitable practice areas, matter types, and clients for your firm by analyzing the right data.

  • Track and highlight key revenue sources

    Identify top-performing firm members, referral sources, and client types to improve your law firm’s profitability.

  • Get a view into firm financials from the start

    Estimate initial matter values, and update estimates as you retain new clients for better financial forecasting.

  • Customize reports to fit your practice needs

    Filter data for detailed information on matter types, lead sources, staff members, and more. Structure client intake reports so they make sense for your firm.

Set smarter goals to achieve better results

Find out where your firm should be headed—and how to get there—by seeing what works and what doesn’t.

  • Find out why clients hire you

    Monitor what causes clients to sign with your firm, as opposed to a competitor.

  • Set more accurate revenue targets

    Analyze your pipeline to learn which services and marketing efforts are your top earners—and which ones aren’t pulling their weight.

More Clio Grow features

Get started today

See how Clio's legal reporting and data software for can help you get organized and practice more efficiently.

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