3545 Consulting-Global

Trusted leaders in technology solutions
Clio Accouting Certified Partner logo Clio Gold Partner logo
Houston, Texas and Fairfield, Connecticut


3545 Consulting – Global provides comprehensive, technology solutions, tailored to empower law firms to work smarter and more efficiently. Our dedicated team of experts get to know each client and their personnel, to gain a thorough understanding of how their law firm operates. We listen to your needs, ask the necessary questions, and find customized solutions to improve processes and help you effectively run your business within your budget.


  • Enhanced Training
  • Accounting (QBO)
  • Data Migrations


Please note, Clio doesn't guarantee the service of any one consultant. We don’t necessarily review advisors' listings and we don’t recommend or guarantee the service provided by any one advisor – always perform your own due diligence and be comfortable with whomever you decide to partner with.

Clio Certified Consultant means that representative(s) have been assessed by Clio as proficient in the use and resale of the Clio application. Clio’s certification process does not assess any individual or advisor’s proficiency as an accountant, consultant, law firm advisor, etc.

Clio Certified Consultants are not employees of Clio.

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