The Client-Centered Law Firm by Jack Newton | Clio

The Client-Centered Law Firm: Get First Chapter Free

Learn how to thrive as a lawyer in today’s world with The Client-Centered Law Firm, a #1 bestseller. Read or listen to the first chapter free.

The Client Centered Law Firm

In an uncertain world, experience is more important than ever

In The Client-Centered Law Firm, legal technology expert Jack Newton offers a clear-eyed and timely look at how providing a client-centered experience and running an efficient, profitable law firm aren’t opposing ideas. With this approach, they drive each other. Covering the what, why, and how of running a client-centered practice, with examples from law firms leading this revolution as well as practical strategies for implementation, The Client-Centered Law Firm is a rallying call to unlock the enormous untapped demand in the legal market by providing client-centered experiences, improving internal processes, and raising the bottom line.

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  • Jack Newton Client-Centered Law Firm Author

    About the author

    Jack Newton, author of The Client-Centered Law Firm, has spearheaded efforts to educate the legal community on the security, ethics, and privacy issues surrounding cloud computing, and has become a nationally recognized writer and speaker on these topics.

    As the CEO and Founder of Clio and a pioneer in cloud-based legal technology, Jack created Clio’s annual Legal Trends Report to provide unique, data-driven insights on the most important issues within the legal profession, and also co-founded and is President of the Legal Cloud Computing Association (LCCA), a consortium of leading cloud computing providers with a mandate to help accelerate the adoption of cloud computing in the legal industry. He was also named a 2019 fellow to the College of Law Practice Management, and is an investor in and advisor to early-stage legal tech startups.

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