Explore detailed lawyer rate information for each state:
Average lawyer hourly rates by state
The following chart provides the average lawyer hourly rate by state at a glance.
State |
Average Lawyer Hourly Rate 2024 |
Average Lawyer Hourly Rate 2023 |
Alaska | $300 | Currently unavailable |
Alabama | $246 | $208 |
Arkansas | $271 | $242 |
Arizona | $287 | $266 |
California | $391 | $344 |
Colorado | $302 | $261 |
Connecticut | $384 | $342 |
District of Columbia | $462 | $392 |
Delaware | $423 | $344 |
Florida | $335 | $297 |
Georgia | $340 | $286 |
Hawaii | $312 | Currently unavailable |
Iowa | $254 | $202 |
Idaho | $267 | $233 |
Illinois | $349 | $305 |
Indiana | $278 | $242 |
Kansas | $292 | $227 |
Kentucky | $236 | $204 |
Louisiana | $266 | $245 |
Massachusetts | $318 | $285 |
Maryland | $344 | $310 |
Maine | $236 | $193 |
Michigan | $294 | $266 |
Minnesota | $305 | $271 |
Missouri | $280 | $249 |
Mississippi | $242 | $217 |
Montana | $234 | $199 |
North Carolina | $295 | $254 |
North Dakota | $285 | $253 |
Nebraska | $256 | $218 |
New Hampshire | $294 | $248 |
New Jersey | $348 | $306 |
New Mexico | $261 | $242 |
Nevada | $330 | $311 |
New York | $398 | $358 |
Ohio | $268 | $224 |
Oklahoma | $257 | $235 |
Oregon | $296 | $255 |
Pennsylvania | $302 | $288 |
Rhode Island | $317 | $240 |
South Carolina | $287 | $249 |
South Dakota | $245 | $199 |
Tennessee | $281 | $233 |
Texas | $345 | $300 |
Utah | $291 | $250 |
Virginia | $351 | $295 |
Vermont | $267 | $226 |
Washington | $322 | $288 |
Wisconsin | $278 | $231 |
West Virginia | $195 | $162 |
Wyoming | $290 | $241 |
Guide to lawyer rate information for each state
Each lawyer rate information state page provides detailed information regarding average hourly rates and KPIs. Here’s how to interpret the information covered in each section.
Hourly rates by practice area
These are average hourly rates by practice area in each state. These rates include hourly rates for lawyers and cover common practice areas.
Hourly rates versus adjusted hourly rates
These rates are divided into average hourly rates in each state for law firms, attorneys, and non-lawyers (non-lawyer rates may include non-lawyer staff such as paralegals, legal assistants, firm managers, or other administrative staff).
Adjusted hourly rates have been adjusted to reflect the cost of living for each state.
Key performance indicators (KPIs): utilization, realization, and collection rates
- Utilization rate: How much of a typical eight-hour work day is spent on billable hours for clients.
- Realization rate: The number of billable hours—after discounting and write-offs—that actually make it onto a client’s bill
- Collection rate: How many of these billed hours are actually paid by clients.
Hourly rates over the last five reports
For comparison, and to see trends over time, we provide the average and adjusted hourly rates for law firms, attorneys, and non-lawyers over the past five Legal Trends Reports.
Methodology for hourly rate calculations
Clio’s hourly rate calculations compare aggregated and anonymized billing data from tens of thousands of legal professionals working across all states and practice areas. For more information on the methodology used in this analysis, please download the report and refer to the Methodology section in the Appendix.
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