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The Data Migration Process for Law Firms

Steps for a successful data migration, best practices for maintaining data in the cloud, and more—your guide to the process of transferring your data…

Article 10 minutes well spent
Paper airplanes flying through the sky facing right

Watch How Law Firms Use Clio for Client Intake

See how you can a real break this summer with these tried and true Clio Manage and Grow features loved by fellow customers to…

Clio Resource

The Power of Clio—‘The Work of 20 People, But All Done By Me’

Danelle Harvey-Jacob, ESQ, LLM, is a seasoned entrepreneur with experience setting up successful businesses with a $0 budget.

Harvey-Jacob Law

‘I’d Rather Go with the Top Dog in the Space’—How Clio Compares

David A Boag, Founder and Managing Principal of BOAG Law, had been using another practice management solution for about nine months before he decided…

Boag Law

6 ChatGPT Prompts for Lawyers

We gathered some of the most effective ChatGPT prompts for lawyers to help complete tasks, answer questions, or provide information.

Article 6 minutes well spent
Clio Resource

‘Get to the Actual Case Work’ by Automating Routine Work

When Sarah E. Wilson first started her solo practice, she knew that she’d be taking on a whole realm of new administrative responsibilities—in addition…

Sarah Wilson Law Firm

Why This Firm Chose Clio After Sampling 3 Practice Management Solutions

In his search for a practice management software, Andrew David Easler, Esq Managing Attorney at Easler Law tried two other practice management solutions before…

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