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How To Use AI in Your Firm (with examples!)

Join this free webinar to learn how to leverage lawyer AI tools at your law firm (including common AI uses for lawyers!).

Clio Resource

Clio Grow Revolutionized Client Intake at Evolve Family Law

Jayda Brimble, Onboarding Specialist at Evolve Family Law, is the firm’s linchpin to everything related to the client intake. Clio not only helps Jayda…

Clio Resource

Mastering Client Intake: How to Hit Your Firm's Goals by Tackling Intake Inefficiencies

Many law firm owners claim they are overworked and have experienced burnout. Clio’s client intake software is here to alleviate your stress and allow…

Clio Resource

'No Client Gets Left Behind' When Doing Intake with Clio Grow

With Clio Grow, Puget Law Group has streamlined their intake process resulting in time and money savings.

Customer Case Study Puget Law

How a solo lawyer reimagined small town law with Clio

With Clio, Elevator Law’s employees work seamlessly in a distributed environment while saving time by automating routine tasks. Learn more about their Clio journey…

Elevator Law

A New Approach to Legal Cyber Security: How to Protect Your Firm Against Rising Threats

Watch this webinar to gain the knowledge and tools you need to protect your law firm from cybersecurity threats.

Clio Resource

Stuck Using Server-Based Software? Clio Makes the Switch Easy and Painless

David A. Goldberg, Partner, at Taylor & Blair LLP knows the pain of using out-dated software. When he signed on with the firm, the…

Taylor & Blair Lawyers

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