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Your Guide to Law Firm Pricing: How to Price Legal Services

The right law firm pricing can get you more legal clients and make you more profitable. Read everything you need to know about setting…

Article 11 minutes well spent
stacks of coins

Who Should Shoulder Pricing Risk, Lawyers or Clients?

To explore the issue of pricing risk for law firms, we spoke with Ed Walters, CEO of Fastcase, at the 2019 Clio Cloud Conference.…

Article 8 minutes well spent
law firm pricing risk

Episode 60: Tom West, CEO at LawPay

In this episode Tom West, CEO at LawPay, talks about the rise of electronic payments in legal.

Episode 60 Tom West

How to Improve Law Firm Cash Flow

Improving your law firm’s cash flow in a crisis can be especially challenging. Read this guide for tips on how to mitigate cash flow…

Article 11 minutes well spent
How to Improve Law Firm Cash Flow

10 Ways Clio Simplifies Lawyer Time Tracking

Legal time tracking software gives you more than one way to track your time, giving you the ability to log your work in the…

Article 10 minutes well spent
Time tracking in Clio

How One Law Firm Uses Clio to Save Time and Collect More Money

The last thing any firm wants to do is burn billable hours learning a new tool. But by spending a few minutes setting your…

Clio Resource

How to Decide If Legal Billing Software Is Worth the Investment

Despite wide adoption, law practice billing software may not be needed at every firm. If you're still on the fence about whether law billing…

Article 13 minutes well spent
Image of legal billing software

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