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5 Things Your Intake Strategy Needs to Take on More Clients With Ease

Add consistency to your intake process and make it easy for potential clients to hire your firm.

Clio Resource

A Busy Lawyer’s Guide to Managing Documents and Court Forms

Watch this webinar to learn how to improve the processes of creating, storing, sharing, and managing legal documents at your firm.

Clio Resource

Everything You Want—and Need—To Know About Clio’s New Payment Processing Platform

Learn more about the new features and advantages of switching to Clio’s built-in payments platform to get paid.

Clio Resource

Learn Hiring Tips From Successful Mid-Sized Firms

Learn how three mid-sized law firms are growing their staff, hiring new employees, and onboarding and training them in this historically tight labor market.

Clio Resource

Online Marketing Strategies To Attract Clients

Learn how to market your firm in the online world and gain more clients in this Innovate Legal Online meetup.

Clio Resource

How to Streamline Law Firm Collections with Online Payments in Clio Manage

Join this free webinar to learn how to streamline your firm’s collections using Clio’s billing and payments suite

Clio Resource

Budgeting Essentials To Set Your Firm Up for Success

Learn how to prioritize your resources when creating your law firm budget in this Innovate Legal Online meetup.

Clio Resource

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