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How to Achieve More With the Right Lawyer Coach

Want to take your legal career to the next level? Lawyer coaching could make all the difference—find out how.

Article 9 minutes well spent
lawyer coaching

How Many Hours Do Lawyers Work?

Ever wondered how many hours lawyers work? Discover the typical work hours in the legal field and get practical advice for effectively managing workloads.

Article 9 minutes well spent
lawyer working hours

11 Legal Writing Tips for Powerful, Persuasive Legal Writing

Legal writing is an important skill for any lawyer. Here are 11 tips for powerful, persuasive legal writing.

Article 8 minutes well spent
writing a legal cover letter

Building a Balanced and Successful Legal Career: For New Law Firm Owners

Learn how to build a balanced legal career in this Innovate Legal Online Meetup with new law firm owners.

Clio Resource

Building a Balanced and Successful Legal Career: For Associate Lawyers

Learn how to build a balanced legal career in this Innovate Legal Online Meetup with associate lawyers on May 18, 2021.

Clio Resource

Building a Balanced and Successful Legal Career: For Law Firm Partners

Learn how to build a balanced legal career in this Innovate Legal Online Meetup with law firm partners on May 20, 2021.

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Building a Balanced and Successful Legal Career: For Law Firm Support Staff

Learn how to build a balanced career in this Innovate Legal Online Meetup for support staff on May 13, 2021.

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