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Slack for Lawyers: Save Time and Stay Organized

Does your law firm use Slack? It isn’t just for tech companies—find out how Slack could revolutionize how communication is done at your firm.

Article 9 minutes well spent
Slack for lawyers

Excel for Lawyers: Beginner-Friendly Tips

Learn beginner-friendly Excel tips and signs your firm has outgrown Excel for lawyers in our latest blog.

Article 8 minutes well spent
A graphic of a lawyer working at a desk which also looks like an Excel spreadsheet

Clio's In Your Court: How Clio Features Help Lawyers Navigate the Court System

Meet Clio’s top products and features that will improve efficiency when dealing with the court.

Clio Resource

Legal Document Formats: Everything You Need to Know

Save time and standardize firm processes by creating a legal document format.

Article 5 minutes well spent
Illustration of someone painting a legal document on an easel

How to Become a Cloud-Based Law Firm

Moving your firm from on-premise software to the cloud isn’t as difficult as you think. Follow our guide and see why this transition is…

Article 4 minutes well spent
An illustration showing a Clio and DialPad logo

A Busy Lawyer’s Guide to Managing Documents and Court Forms

Watch this webinar to learn how to improve the processes of creating, storing, sharing, and managing legal documents at your firm.

Clio Resource

8 Steps to Repeatable Law Firm Processes

How do you ensure that your business processes are the best they can be? Learn eight ways your firm can improve its processes.

Article 7 minutes well spent
Man drawing on chalkboard

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