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Private Law Practice (And What to Know About Starting Your Own)

Most lawyers work in private law practice—so, what is it and how can you start a practice of your own? Learn more here.

Article 7 minutes well spent
Clio Resource

Engagement Letters 101: What Your Law Firm Needs to Know

An engagement letter can make or break your lawyer-client relationships—and a great one can lead to a great client experience and more business for…

Article 11 minutes well spent
Quill pens signing an engagement letter

Google Gemini for Lawyers: What You Need to Know

Google Gemini not only helps lawyers conduct web-based research—it could also help potential clients find your firm online. Read this post to learn more.

Article 5 minutes well spent
Newspaper featuring an image of the scales of justice.

How to Accept ACH Payments

Learn more about how easy it is to receive ACH payments with Clio Payments—and how Clio helps law firms offer a seamless payment experience.

Article 6 minutes well spent
hand giving money out of a computer to represent ACH payments

How eCheck Payments Work

Paper checks are a thing of the past. Learn more about the benefits of offering eCheck payments with your business—and how Clio helps law…

Article 5 minutes well spent
image of a digital check for echeck payments

Auto-GPT: Your Future Law Partner?

Auto-GPT is the latest AI advancement taking the industry by storm—but what does this mean for lawyers? Read this blog post to learn about…

Article 4 minutes well spent
Legaltech News

First Year Lawyer Salaries: A 2023 Guide

First year lawyer salaries can vary depending on a number of factors—read this blog post to learn more about the factors that contribute to…

Article 6 minutes well spent
Graduation caps and dollar bills indicating first year lawyer salary

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