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How a Managing Partner Runs a 100-Person Law Firm with Clio

Read this case study to learn how a Managing Partner Runs a 60-Person Law Firm with Clio.

Brian King Testimonial

How to Plan for an Automation Project

Learn how to decide what part of your firm to automate first in this Innovate Legal Online Meetup with legal professionals.

Clio Resource

Everything You Need to Know About Law Firm Revenue

Understanding and prioritizing revenue can set your firm up for success, growth, and, ultimately, increase profitability—read this blog to learn more.

Article 8 minutes well spent
Image shows money/revenue

Law Firm Financing: Everything You Need to Know

There are countless law firm financing options available—but which is the best for you and your law firm? This blog post provides the pros…

Article 10 minutes well spent
Law firm financing graphic shows a lawyer borrowing money from a bank

How Clio "Makes Life Easier" for Ceiba Fôrte Law Firm

When Inti Martínez-Alemán and Ofelia Ponce founded their firm in 2016, they initially tried the default legal case management software they’d used in their…

Clio Resource

Key Insights from the 2021 Legal Trends Report

Join this free webinar to learn key takeaways from the 2021 Legal Trends Report, the industry’s leading study of law firms, lawyers, and legal…

Clio Resource

Guide to Legal Website Hosting

Website hosting is complex—what is it and why is it important? Law firm tech expert and consultant Jesse Mount breaks it down for you…

Article 10 minutes well spent
law firm web design companies

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