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A List of All the Ethics Opinions on Cloud Computing for Lawyers

Article 11 minutes well spent
Photo of paper and a computer, opinions and the cloud

Top Legal Industry Trends to Follow in 2020

We asked 13 experts at the Clio Cloud Conference about their predictions for the top legal industry trends to follow in 2020. Here’s what…

Article 8 minutes well spent
Photo of Teresa and Andrew Interviewing Ed Walters

Why Lawyers Need to Stay Off Their Phones

If you’re constantly checking and responding to emails on your phone while at home, or out with friends and family, then maybe it’s time…

Article 4 minutes well spent
Image of someone powering down their phone

5 Simple Steps Every Lawyer Can Take to Improve Mental Wellness

Every year it seems the pace of life speeds up. The days and months pass by in a blur of deadlines, emails, and stress.…

Article 8 minutes well spent
image of a head with a brain highlighted

Lawyer Mental Health and Wellness: Changing the Conversation

To many in the legal profession, the term “lawyer wellness” may seem like a contradiction. The demanding hours and stressful work environments at many…

Article 11 minutes well spent
image of weights, a mind, and sleep

How Tara Burd Grew a $1 Million Law Firm

It's not easy striking out on your own straight out of law school, but that's just what Tara Burd did in 2011 when she…

Clio Resource

Keeping Calm: How Lawyers Can Navigate Slow Business Periods

All businesses, including law practices, have slow periods. Coaches Terry DeMeo and Allison Wolf share their tips on what to do when the phone…

Article 13 minutes well spent
Image of a scale balancing work and home

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