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What Lawyers Need to Know About eDiscovery

Avoid perils and pitfalls during the eDiscovery process: Logikcull CEO Andy Wilson shares what legal professionals need to know to make everything run smoothly.

Article 7 minutes well spent
Clio Resource

11 Ways to Automate Your Law Firm with Zapier

Technology is supposed to make life easier, but with so many (useful!) apps available to lawyers, there’s also a risk of actually reducing your…

Article 9 minutes well spent
Image of a computer screen with logos floating

How Lawyers Can Eliminate Underearning Habits

New habits are hard to keep, and old ones are hard to break. Despite your best intentions, it's easy to fall into old, underearning…

Article 9 minutes well spent
Clio Resource

How Nicholas Hite Manages 160 Open Cases With Clio

Clio Resource

3 Ways to Make Practicing Law More Profitable With Tech

Here are a few tips from Shuaib Ahmed of ASA Law Group on using technology to build a profitable law firm.

Article 4 minutes well spent
Clio Resource

Top 13 Microsoft Word Tips for Lawyers

Learn how to use Microsoft Word to the fullest with our list of the top 13 Microsoft Word features that every lawyer should know.

Article 7 minutes well spent
illustration of a microsoft word doc

7 Time-Saving Tips to Help Your Firm Get Medical Records Faster

When you need medical records for your cases, you need to get them fast. George Bessenyei of YoCierge shares his tips.

Article 6 minutes well spent
Illustration of medical records.

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