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5 Time Management Tips for Lawyers

For many lawyers, 12-hour days are not out of the ordinary. Here are a few time management tips to help lawyers stay balanced and…

Article 4 minutes well spent
Clio Resource

Agile Law 101: 3 Techniques for the Modern Lawyer

Running an Agile law firm has many benefits. Here’s how to implement the Agile methodology at your firm, so you can reap the rewards.

Article 5 minutes well spent
Clio Resource

18 Best Apps for Lawyers To Improve Productivity

Try one of the 21 best mobile and iPad apps for lawyers, and set your firm up to thrive in our digital, experience-driven age.

Article 7 minutes well spent
An illustration of an attorney selecting an app for lawyers

How to Keep Track of Court Deadlines

For even the most organized lawyers, missing one deadline can lead to a malpractice claim. Here’s how lawyers can track court deadlines worry free.

Article 3 minutes well spent
Illustration featuring books, a gavel and a calendar showing May 1st

5 Clio Integrations To Automate Your Law Firm

Save time and increase productivity and accuracy by using these Clio integrations to automate your law firm.

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Clio Resource

How to Move Your Document Management Online

Law firm technology has provided today’s lawyer with something amazing: the ability to find and access files of information anywhere via a laptop, tablet…

Article 3 minutes well spent
illustration of a microsoft word doc

How Attorneys Can Use Slack For Legal Research

Article 1 minute well spent
Clio Resource

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