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62 Law Firm KPIs You Should Measure

As a lawyer, you’re an expert on the practice of law—but are you taking the time to track what’s important when it comes to…

Article 11 minutes well spent
An illustration of attorneys holding up law firm KPIs

How to Implement a Device Policy for Your Law Firm

When it comes to enabling your law firm and staff with technology, it’s best to get a device policy in place sooner than later.

Article 7 minutes well spent
Graphic shows device policy in place on a lawyer's mobile phone

How Moving to the Cloud Made Locks Law More Secure and Efficient

“When it comes to third-party integrations, mobile access, and security, no one is even in the same ballpark as Clio. That’s just a fact.”…

Locks Law Team

7 Legal Tech Trends to Watch in 2019

Each year, legal tech changes faster and faster. From new apps and services, to shifting client expectations, to new regulations covering tech and what…

Article 5 minutes well spent
Clio Resource

9 Security Tips for Mac-Using Attorneys

For modern law firms, data security is paramount—whether you use a Mac or a PC. Tom Lambotte shares his data security tips for Mac-using…

Article 10 minutes well spent
data security

9 Reasons Law Firm IT Professionals Are Moving To The Cloud

If you’re a law firm IT professional, moving your law firm to the cloud provides big benefits for both your firm and your day-to-day.…

Article 6 minutes well spent
Clio Resource

Keeping Calm: How Lawyers Can Navigate Slow Business Periods

All businesses, including law practices, have slow periods. Coaches Terry DeMeo and Allison Wolf share their tips on what to do when the phone…

Article 13 minutes well spent
Image of a scale balancing work and home

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