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Electronic Billing Software For Law Firms: How to Adopt Legal Electronic Billing

Find out how your firm can benefit from legal ebilling and how to implement it at your firm.

Article 12 minutes well spent
Graphic showing someone paying through a screen symbolizes legal ebilling for lawyers

4 Payment Methods Your Clients Want

Here’s how offering credit card payments at your firm—and other payment methods—will get you paid quicker.

Article 10 minutes well spent
raphic showing different lawyer payment methods

DIY Local SEO for Lawyers

What exactly is local SEO? Learn how lawyers can ensure their website performs optimally in local search engine results in this guide.

Article 9 minutes well spent
DIY local SEO for lawyers_featured image

6 Digital Marketing Tips for Law Firms

Every law firm should have a sound digital marketing strategy in place. Here are our top tips for law firms looking to benefit from…

Article 7 minutes well spent
Digital marketing tips for law firms

6 Tips for Legal Marketers to Use at Any Firm

Learn how to apply legal marketing principles to build your firm, attract more clients, and increase revenue.

Article 7 minutes well spent
A graphic of a portfolio showing computer pages for legal marketers

Introducing the 2021 Clio Cloud Conference Keynote Speakers

Need more reasons to register for the 2021 Clio Cloud Conference? Find out what keynote speakers like Arianna Huffington and Ian Manuel will be…

Article 13 minutes well spent
2021 Clio Cloud Conference Speakers

A Guide to Paralegal Networking

Paralegal networking doesn’t have to involve only small talk and business card swaps. Read on and get acquainted with the modern world of networking.

Article 7 minutes well spent
paralegal networking

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