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Innovate Legal Online: Communication Tools for Law Firm Efficiency

Learn how to navigate the changing legal landscape by adapting your firm’s tool’s and processes.

Virtual Clio Meetups

Courtroom Etiquette for Lawyers

Often treated as beings of unlimited power and unknowable disposition, judges and their clerks are mysteries to many lawyers. How do you address them?…

Clio Resource

Understanding the Impact of COVID-19 on the Legal Industry

Clio Resource

Key Insights from the 2019 Legal Trends Report

Learn about the key findings and takeaways from the 2019 Legal Trends Report, the industry’s leading study of law firms, lawyers, and legal consumers.

Clio Resource

Innovate Legal Online: How to be an Advocate for Access to Justice and Legal Reform

Learn how to become an advocate for reform and promote systemic change from within.

Virtual Clio Meetups

Accounting for Law Firms in 2020

Learn the basics of law firm and trust accounting, so you can stay on top of your firm’s finances year-round.

Clio Resource

Learn how Ad Astra Law Group uses Clio to save time and collect more money

Hear it from a lawyer: Firms that bill and accept payments in Clio on average collect more money, save time, and offer better client…

Clio Resource

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