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How Many Hours Do Lawyers Work?

Ever wondered how many hours lawyers work? Discover the typical work hours in the legal field and get practical advice for effectively managing workloads.

Article 9 minutes well spent
lawyer working hours

11 Legal Writing Tips for Powerful, Persuasive Legal Writing

Legal writing is an important skill for any lawyer. Here are 11 tips for powerful, persuasive legal writing.

Article 8 minutes well spent
writing a legal cover letter

A Guide to Sending Closing Letters to Clients

Case closing letters are an effective way to ensure you and your client are on the same page at the end of a matter—here’s…

Article 10 minutes well spent
legal content writing

5 Tips and Strategies to Build a Diverse and Inclusive Law Firm

Navigating the complexities of D&I at your law firm can be challenging. Learn about our top 5 strategies for intentionally and thoughtfully re-imagining D&I…

Article 10 minutes well spent
Illustration of a group of people

How to Write a Legal Contract That’s Human Friendly

How do you design human-friendly contracts so they can help you strengthen relationships with clients and key stakeholders? Find out in this blog post.

Article 5 minutes well spent
Personal injury demand

A Guide to the Best Fonts for Legal Documents

Did you know that the right fonts can better engage your audience, communicate more effectively, and impact how others perceive your law firm’s brand?…

Article 7 minutes well spent
best legal font for legal documents

Your Guide to Lawyer Email Marketing (Including Tips and Tools)

Are you using the right email marketing software for your law firm’s marketing efforts? Learn more about the email marketing software features your law…

Article 7 minutes well spent
Email marketing software for lawyers

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