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Lawyer Burnout: Stopping it Before it Starts

Lawyer burnout is rampant in the legal profession. Read advice from professional coaches on how overworked lawyers can guard against burnout.

Article 15 minutes well spent
empty battery

How to Find a Work From Home Lawyer Job

Attorney work from home jobs are available. Read this post on what to look for and how to find jobs lawyers can do from…

Article 11 minutes well spent
Image of an online job profile

How to Practice Law Part-time (Or With Flexible Hours)

A part time law practice may be the solution if you need to work reduced or flexible hours when working from home. Here are…

Article 9 minutes well spent
Image of a clock with time for work, life, and exercise

Everything a Lawyer Needs to Do When Setting Up Their Home Office

If you’re a lawyer setting up your home office for the first time, read these tips from Melanie Leonard to set yourself up for…

Article 7 minutes well spent
Illustration of a lawyer home office

A List of All the Ethics Opinions on Cloud Computing for Lawyers

Article 11 minutes well spent
Photo of paper and a computer, opinions and the cloud

Clio Scheduler Overview: Leveraging Online Payments

Whether you’ve recently started working from home, or whether you’re in transition mode, we’ve got a few ideas and new additions to make things…

Article 4 minutes well spent
Calendar and credit card illustration for Clio scheduler + payments

Leading With Empathy in Times of Transition

In the face of massive change as a result of COVID-19, lawyers and legal professionals must lead with empathy as our industry transitions.

Article 4 minutes well spent
Photo of Jack Newton with "The Future of Law" text

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