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The heart of the firm—how Clio helps small law firms collaborate, communicate, and more

With Clio, Jesse runs a boutique litigation from his desk, the courthouse, and anywhere in between. Learn how Clio helps Brooks & Baez stay…

Jesse Baez

How to Supercharge your Law Firm Invoice Process

Ready for an overhaul of your law firm invoice process? Read on to learn how you can issue bills faster and get paid easily…

Article 8 minutes well spent
Three people assembling a large law firm invoice

Lawyers and Inflation: Staying Competitive in an Inflationary Economy

How to keep your practice competitive during inflation and steps to recession-proof your firm.

Clio Resource

The Best Time and Billing Software for Law Firms, Reviewed

Looking for time and billing software for law firms? Read on to learn more about the best options on the market.

Article 7 minutes well spent
Lawyer turning clock hands back

Key Insights from the 2022 Legal Trends Report

Join this free webinar to learn how firms are tackling inflation, volatile employment markets, competing priorities for in-person and remote work.

CLE webinar

Work Less and Make More by Standardizing Intake Processes With Clio Grow

Watch this webinar to learn how to optimize processes within the client intake process.

Clio Resource

How Patricia’s Law Firm Makes $30,000-50,000 More per Month With Clio Complete

With Clio, Patricia increased her firm’s monthly revenue by $30-50,000. Learn how Clio helped her attract more clients while slashing expenses.

Patricia Rodriguez

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