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Growth in a time of uncertainty—How Torrey Pines expanded their staff, revenue, and clients fivefold with Clio

Learn more about Torrey Pines’s explosive growth and pivot during a period of uncertainty—and how Clio helped them along the way.

2022 Reisman Winner Video Thumbnails Kevin Buckley

Living their vision: how a criminal defense firm increased revenue while taking more pro bono work with Clio

With Clio Grow, this criminal defense firm has increased revenue five-fold while freeing up time for pro bono work. Learn more about their Clio…

2022 Reisman Winner Video Thumbnails Mary Chartier

How Clio Grow helped this attorney cut the time he spends on intake from 3 hours to 20 minutes

With Clio Grow, Jed saves on staffing and administrative work while offering a high-quality, personalized experience for new and returning clients. Learn more about…

Customer Case Study - J.W. McClure and Associates

How Clio Modernized the Raimondo Law Firm’s Personal Injury Practice for Speed, Efficiency, and Better Organization

Michael A Raimondo is an attorney at Raimondo Law Firm, a firm dedicated to providing hands-on services for personal injury. With Clio, The Raimondo…

The Raimando Law Firm Case Study Header Image

How Power Law Uses Better Lead Intelligence to Streamline Intake and Grow Intentionally

For Power Law, adopting Clio Grow was a no-brainer when it came to streamlining client intake & consultations. Learn how Clio Grow helped Power…

Amelia Power

The heart of the firm—how Clio helps small law firms collaborate, communicate, and more

With Clio, Jesse runs a boutique litigation from his desk, the courthouse, and anywhere in between. Learn how Clio helps Brooks & Baez stay…

Jesse Baez

How Patricia’s Law Firm Makes $30,000-50,000 More per Month With Clio Complete

With Clio, Patricia increased her firm’s monthly revenue by $30-50,000. Learn how Clio helped her attract more clients while slashing expenses.

Patricia Rodriguez

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