AI Marketing for Law Firms: Strategies, Insights & Practical Examples

Written by Louise Donnery12 minutes well spent
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AI Marketing for Law Firms
AI Marketing for Law Firms
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Generative artificial intelligence (AI) has redefined how lawyers approach many aspects of their day-to-day work. When used intentionally and ethically, the right AI tools can help lawyers handle routine tasks with previously unthinkable efficiency and effectiveness—including AI marketing for law firms.

From creating content for your law firm website to determining what sets you apart from the competition, AI is an invaluable tool for lawyers who want to implement comprehensive law firm marketing strategies quickly and easily.

Let’s explore how using AI for marketing can help law firms attain better results and expand the reach of their marketing efforts—all while using less staff time and manual effort. We’ll also share essential AI-driven marketing techniques your firm can implement to drive law firm growth.

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Understanding AI marketing in the legal industry

Effective marketing is integral to law firm success and growth, but it can be challenging to properly and consistently execute the targeted, multi-channel marketing strategy that today’s law firms need to attract and retain potential clients.

This is where AI for marketing can make a meaningful impact for law firms.

How can AI be used in solicitor marketing?

AI can be used throughout the solicitor marketing process, from producing marketing content and media to lead generation and competitor research. Effectively, AI can help take care of some of the tedious initial marketing work for lawyers so they can focus on refining it for their needs, branding, and audience.

AI tools can simplify and speed up much of the time-consuming, tedious work that goes hand-in-hand with law firm marketing. Whether it’s sifting through large volumes of data to identify what potential clients want, assisting with brainstorming new content or helping to respond to clients’ initial queries, these tools make the process more efficient.

For law firms, AI for marketing can help streamline tasks such as:

  • Brainstorming ideas for marketing content like blog posts or social media content;
  • Generating outlines or rough drafts for content like blog posts, social media content, marketing emails, or website page content;
  • Identifying target audience traits for your law firm branding and online presence, and fine-tuning content for that audience;
  • Ensuring brand consistency;
  • And more!

By helping law firms complete tasks more quickly and in a more audience-tailored manner, AI marketing empowers solicitors to get more marketing done in the same amount of time. This expands their reach and allows smaller law firms to stand out better and compete more effectively with larger firms.

However, it’s also important to remember that marketing for law firms differs from marketing in other industries. Lawyers and law firms have unique professional standards and ethical responsibilities that must be followed.

Just as with all new technologies and AI tools, AI solutions for legal marketing must be used carefully, thoughtfully, and in alignment with applicable ethical rules and obligations. For example, law firms must be careful not to input any private or confidential information into AI tools.

Read more about the ethical considerations of AI and law in our blog post. 

AI and legal innovation

4 tips to drive law firm growth with AI-driven marketing

Not sure where to start with using AI for legal marketing? There are many potential AI marketing solutions currently available for law firms—with more new tools emerging all the time.

To optimise how you use AI for marketing at your firm, you’ll want to keep the following in mind:

  • Your firm’s overall marketing goals—and how a potential AI tool can specifically help you achieve them
  • Your professional obligations and the rules for your jurisdiction—so you can be sure the tool helps your marketing efforts but does not leave client privacy or data security vulnerable

With these points as a guide, you can then look for specific areas where AI for marketing can help reduce lawyer workload and drive law firm growth. The following four AI-driven marketing strategies are good starting points to consider:

1. Optimise marketing content creation with AI for better performance

From blog posts to webinars and promotional videos, creating and sharing assets that provide value to clients and get your firm noticed—in other words, content marketing—are essential for modern law firm marketing. Content marketing helps attract potential clients, strengthens your firm’s brand, and can help improve search engine optimisation (SEO).

There are several key ways that AI can help firms optimise legal marketing content creation, such as:

  • Generating topic ideas and first drafts. Using prompts, AI tools like ChatGPT can quickly suggest ideas, content outlines, and first drafts for marketing content like blogs, emails, and social media posts.

Of course, this doesn’t mean it’s a good idea to simply copy-paste AI-generated content onto your firm’s marketing channels and call it a day.

It’s best practice to use AI strategies to assist with idea generation and initial drafting—but always review, edit, revise, and ensure accuracy with any AI-driven content. This can help avoid issues that could arise when using AI tools, such as publishing content that reads as generic, inadvertently crossing ethical lines or violating professional rules, or including incorrect information.

  • Helping to personalise content. AI tools can quickly analyse data points to help guide firms tailor content to better align with specific demographics or audiences.
  • Assisting with SEO. One of the main marketing goals for law firms is ensuring that your firm is as visible as possible when people search online, which means that effective SEO is critical. However, SEO standards can be complex, and they change regularly—making it hard to stay current with the latest criteria. AI can help firms pinpoint relevant keywords and suggest strategies to optimise content to help improve search engine rankings.

What could this look like in practice? Maybe, for example, you’ve always wanted to start a blog covering current events or new cases relating to one or more of your practice areas but never had the time to do so. AI tools can not only help you generate ideas but can even help with first drafts, making it faster and easier to draft posts.

As an added bonus, creating a law firm blog can help your firm with SEO and position you as a trusted authority in your chosen practice area, leading to increased recognition—and more clients.

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2. Use AI-powered lead generation techniques for law firms

Establishing a high-quality lead generation process—that is, an effective way for law firms to make it easy for potential clients to find them online and convert them into new clients—can be challenging.

AI-powered tools can help law firms streamline and boost the effectiveness of the lead generation process in ways such as:

  • “Remixing” content (like using AI to generate social media and email posts from an existing blog post)
  • Helping to tailor marketing campaigns to resonate with a specific audience
  • Using predictive analytics to help identify and prioritise leads with the most potential for becoming clients
  • Generating automated communications with new leads, such as follow-up emails and scheduling appointments, to help ensure a positive first impression

How can AI improve targeting and segmentation in legal marketing?

The more tailored and personalised a law firm’s marketing efforts are, the more likely they are to attract and engage with potential clients successfully. AI tools can help improve targeting and segmentation for legal marketing by quickly and efficiently analysing vast volumes of data to help identify patterns and preferences for specific client demographics.

Using these insights, law firms can tailor campaigns to create more relevant marketing materials for those potential clients. For example, a personal injury law firm could use AI to deliver personalised ads to individuals who recently searched for accident-related medical services, offering free consultations or case evaluations.

AI and legal innovation

3. Leverage AI chatbots to enhance client engagement and retention

In addition to aiding the lead generation process, AI can help law firms give better service to both potential and existing clients—and this can help boost client engagement and retention.

AI-powered chatbots, for example, can help resolve minor issues, answer common questions, and help direct website visitors to the appropriate information or contact information they seek. While they can’t replace a conversation with a lawyer about a specific matter, chatbots can help with simple inquiries 24/7, which can help provide a better client experience.

4. Harness AI to assist with competitive analysis and market positioning

Finding ways to stand apart from the competition is a key part of effective law firm marketing, but it can be challenging to determine the best way to position and market your firm to stay ahead of the curve.

Here, AI tools can efficiently analyse data from a range of sources to identify opportunities and key performance indicators (KPIs) that can help firms effectively conduct their competitive analysis, strategic planning, and data-driven decision making. This may include helping with tasks such as:

  • Identifying and predicting industry trends, client preferences, and market demands
  • Analysis of competitor marketing campaigns
  • Reviewing social media and online reviews to understand what your clients think of your law firm and the firm’s competitors

As an example, firms can leverage AI to monitor client feedback, testimonials, and social media reviews of their firm and its competitors. Understanding what clients think of your firm and its competitors can help guide your marketing strategy—and even your overall firm processes.

Perhaps you find that client reviews mention your lack of responsiveness, while your competitors’ clients are praising them for quick turnaround on emails and phone calls. This could be a wake-up call for your firm and a critical opportunity to improve your performance.

What are some examples of AI tools used in legal marketing?

There are currently many AI tools available that can help with legal marketing—and the list keeps growing. To find options that may be a good fit for your firm, look for AI tools that can help with specific elements of law firm marketing, such as ChatGPT to help with drafting content creation and SEO or Jasper to help with analysing marketing content performance.

What are the benefits of using AI in legal marketing?

Strategically using AI to assist with legal marketing can unlock several benefits for law firms, including:

  • More time for more marketing. By using AI tools to help take care of certain time-consuming and tedious marketing tasks in less time, law firms improve efficiency and free up more time that can be reallocated to your marketing strategy.

For example, if a team member saves an hour of time by generating a blog post content outline using AI, they could use that extra hour to better understand what marketing channels are working.

  • More time for more legal work. Of course, time saved on marketing by using AI marketing tools can also be reallocated to important work like practising law, communicating with your existing clients, and helping more clients with legal problems.
  • Improved personalisation. By using AI tools to help identify audiences, optimise content, and create tailored ad campaigns, firms can improve lead generation and waste less time and resources.
  • Better client service. Using AI marketing to deliver more tailored and personalised marketing campaigns makes it easier to reach clients who may be looking for your firm’s specific services. And, by using AI tools like chatbots to answer common questions and automated communication tools to help simplify appointment scheduling, you can give clients a better experience—even when you aren’t interacting with them personally.

While there are many benefits of using AI for legal marketing, it’s also crucial to bear in mind the challenges and considerations of implementing AI in law firms.

Before using any AI tools, check the specific rules that apply in your jurisdiction. It’s imperative that you (and everyone working on behalf of your firm) ensure privacy, client confidentiality, and data security are maintained when working with any technology or tools, including AI tools.

Some potential challenges to look for when assessing potential AI tools for marketing may include questions like:

  • Confidentiality: Does this tool put client information at risk? Can the tool be used without inputting any sensitive data?
  • Data security: Is this tool safe and secure to use?
  • Technical complexity: Is this tool easy enough to use, and will the team actually use it?
  • Cost: Do the potential time and cost savings of using the tool outweigh the cost of its use?

Additionally, it’s also important to consider how potential biases in AI tools could impact the fairness and equal treatment of clients. With this in mind, law firms can take steps to vet and audit potential AI tools to ensure that datasets they use and are trained on are diverse or that measures are taken to reduce bias.

To learn more about how to use AI to grow your firm’s online presence and attract new clients, watch our free on-demand webinar, How Legal AI can be Leveraged to Improve Client Experience.

AI for legal marketing and beyond

As AI continues to develop and emerge, it becomes increasingly clear that AI technology has the potential to meaningfully change how lawyers work across the board. While AI for legal marketing can help firms create more tailored, faster, and more efficient marketing strategies, AI tools can also streamline many law firm processes.

With this in mind, law firms that want to stay ahead of the curve can look for ways to strategically integrate AI tools into firm operations in ways that ensure professional and ethical obligations are met while still implementing AI for enhanced business development efforts. A key way to do this is to look for AI tools that work with your existing tech stack or integrate with existing software.

Clio’s App Directory, for example, lets you search for AI and automation tools that connect with Clio products like Clio Grow’s client intake and CRM software—making it simple for Clio users to connect tools for further streamlined workflows.

Clio’s generative AI solution, Clio Duo, is coming—watch this space! Seamlessly embedded within Clio, Clio Duo will empower lawyers to use the power of AI to help with routine tasks and offer insights into how to run their practices more efficiently.

Want to learn more about how Clio Grow can help you streamline your firm’s client intake process now? Book a Clio demo today.

Categorized in: Marketing, Technology

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